State Line Rifle Association has been active since 1994. We are a grassroots non- partisan, equal opportunity organization. Everyone is invited to join regardless of race, gender, political affiliation, or religion.
Our Belief
That the Second Amendment was written to be applied for the individual citizenry of the United States of America. That it is the government’s responsibility to protect the nation and the general populace at large. That it is the government’s responsibility to protect those individuals who will or can not protect themselves. It is the individuals responsibility to to protect themselves from an over powerful government as well as those who might bring them individual harm. That the responsibility to protect from imminent danger to one’s self, home, and property is an inherent basic human right.
What We Do
Our Function: Is to monitor national, state, and local legislation that impact firearm related and Second Amendment issues. To disseminate that information to our members. To actively solicit support for the individual’s rights to legally keep and bear arms. To actively oppose any legislation, administrative, regulatory, or executive action that may hinder practice of patriotism, good citizenship, and good sportsmanship.
We are affiliated with the following organizations
Applications for SLRA membership, event flyer and application along with links to these other affiliates are on the link page.
We are in need of more members as qualified NRA instructors and RSOs if interested lease see the ” Meetings and Contacts” page listed above
We are on Facebook please visit SLRA there
- Firearm Safety
- Social Media
- E-Mail Contacts
- Monthly Meeting
- Safe enjoyable range day
- SLRA monthly shoot